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Writer's pictureIsabella Zoumboulis

My Young Living Business

Updated: Jun 4, 2021

If you're a mama like me, you know that sleep deprivation is a real thing. As soon as you announce you're pregnant, everyone begins to tell you that you will never sleep the same way again. I hate to admit it, but they were all right!

I've always loved to read blogs. And when I got pregnant with Sophia, I did all the research new mamas-to be do. I found great blogs to read and follow along on their journey - which related to mine. That's when I learned about Young Living. A mama I was following shared about the products she was using for herself and her brand new baby girl. She shared about essential oils, Ningxia, and the beautiful Aria diffuser and all it's benefits. At first, all I did was read her blogs and began learning about all the products. Then I started following her on Instagram. During this time in my life, I was in my last trimester pregnant with Sophia and I was sleeping horribly.

The mama I was following constantly shared how amazing the products are and how much they help with sleep and whatever your need is. So I eventually decided to take a leap of faith and trust this mama sharing about these products. I bought a Premium Starter Kit. AND I NEVER LOOKED BACK!

When I received the kit at home, I started using the products for sleep to support for myself. The more consistent I was using them, the more I loved them. Then I continued using them for Sophia's sleep support. And kept using the products for immune support, joint + muscle support, stress + depression, acne, for meditating + during yoga, for focus, for relaxing, for headaches, to clean my house, for hormonal support.... and the list goes on! They are that amazing! I was hooked!

Years went by and I was still following this mama. And one day I realized that she was not only sharing about the products but she was also sharing about the Young Living business she had become a part of. I thought to myself, "I would love to do that." But at that point in my life I had a new baby and a small child, I was busy with my own career as a classroom teacher, how could I find time to have a small business??

One thing I have learned in life is that if you really want something, you will find a way to make it work in your life and you will run to get it - regardless if you have a busy life or not - especially if it's going to support your wellness. I have lived this feeling so many times before in my life - like for example when I was working full time and still had to finish my master's degree, complete all the work for my master's class, get lessons ready for my own students, cook dinner every night, take care of the house, be a wife, and all the in betweens. I wanted a career as a teacher so I had to do what I had to do to get to the end game and even though it was hard every day, I did it. I adjusted my schedule, I got focused, and I got it done.

And so when it came to the Young Living business, that's exactly what I did. I adjusted my schedule and hit the ground running.

Today, I use Young Living products everyday. Not only that but I love that I get to share the products and change someone's life to the better. I have the opportunity to help them ditch the products filled with toxins and bad ingredients and switching to products that are plant based and 100% therapeutic. And every one has the opportunity to change their lives by doing the Young Living business. The beauty of this business is that you can do it from anywhere in the world, simply by sharing amazing products with your family and friends.

I love the business, I love the community I have with this business, the friends I've made, the products that I use and I have a long way to go but my dream is to one day be able to work in my small business full-time and bring my team all the way to the top with me!

If you want to take a leap of faith and trust me in having a wellness life - I can help you get Young Living products to your home!

If you're interested in joining my team or want to learn more about Young Living products, you can email me at: or follow me on Instagram at: SweetLifeandLavender

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